It’s finally autumn, which means cosy fires, hot chocolate and slightly less enjoyable- rainy walks in the dark.
It may not be everyone’s favourite time of year as the evenings become darker, shorter and wetter.
However, the majority of dogs don’t mind the dark, the cold, or poor weather and we all know how important it is to ensure our furbabies get as much exercise as they need, for their mental and physical health and also to run off that excess energy!
A new factor in walking at this time of year is safety, making sure we and our furry friends are safe and well in the gloom.
First and foremost, the most important thing when walking your dog at any time of the year, is to ensure they have a tag with your contact details on it, just in case of a Houdini-like escape!
You can get these in the form of metal discs, or even tiny brass ID tubes where you can write a little note and roll it up, almost like a message in a bottle!
You should also ensure that your dog is microchipped and the information is up to date.
Most dogs tend to walk better on a harness than just with a collar. The harness offers a slightly snug feeling, offering reassurance, comfort and also allowing us more control.
Harnesses allow for better weight distribution and if your dog pulls, the stress and tension is spread out across their chest and shoulders, minimising it, as opposed to pulling on their collar and neck. Some dogs tend to wheeze and gasp when walked with just their collar.
Harnesses can also help to reduce the risk of escape, as they are harder to wriggle out of!
When considering a harness, it is important to make sure the measurements are correct and that it is comfortable. When you are fitting your dog for a harness, it is important to take their body shape and type into consideration. A whippet and a Labrador pup may take the same size but the fit will be very different due to their difference in body shape!
It’s key to remember as well, to plan ahead and make sure that the harness can be adjusted.
It’s not unusual for dogs to go through several sizes as they age and grow (and indeed if they gain or lose weight!) so it’s vital that the right size is found.
To ensure a good fit, the harness should be snug but not tight, have some movement in the straps but not be too loose. A good rule of thumb is to check if you can fit two fingers between the straps and your dog’s body. This is the ideal fit.
For extra comfort we recommend a padded harness, which has a soft layer inside the straps. The Ancol Padded Harness range are excellent, with the added bonus of being machine washable and with a visibility strip!
If you see the straps are buried in your dog’s fur or body, it may be too tight. However keep in mind that on some fluffy breeds such as Huskies and Collies, their coats can make the harness look tight when in reality it is their hair fluffing up and around the straps.
If the straps are moving too freely, and sliding around, they are too loose and can pose a potential risk. You may notice your dog can slide one paw out of the shoulder straps and the harness may turn or slide to one side. If this is the case, it must be tightened, to prevent escape and possible injury if your dog gets their leg caught.
It is recommended that your dog wear both a harness and a collar, to allow for extra security. A collar has the added bonus of being able to attach safety objects to it such as LED tags or even tiny torches, which are a huge advantage in the dark.
They can be looped through and placed onto the collar, allowing for better visibility for you, your dog and for others. They are very helpful if your dog has a habit of lurking in bushes, shrubs or even in case of escape!
The M&M Matrix Safety Light is an ideal size and has four different light modes, including muted, flashing and energy saving. This handy gadget is also waterproof in case you and your dog are fans of night swimming!
While it is important to ensure your dog is safe while walking, it is equally important to make sure you are safe too! As the nights begin earlier, make sure you have a hi-vis or reflector vest or jacket.
Whether you have a standard lead or an extendable lead, it is important to have a tight grip at all times, especially as not every dog will have hi-vis accessories. A spooked dog can bolt, and with low visibility, this is a potentially dangerous situation.
Above all, keep exercising as usual, just with a little extra awareness and care, and before you know it, the days will brighten and stretch out again!
– By Peigí Conneff